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Version = trunk VLM2_V28.1_
07/14/20 08:00:45 AM UTC

Race : Solo Guy Cot10
Started : 2024/03/13 13:30:06

Race Instructions

Ranking type

Linuen Est 1 (WP1 ↻ ) Ile aux Moutons (WP2 ↻ ) Rouge Glenan (WP3 ↻ ) Basse Spineg (WP4 ↻ ) Cap Caval (WP5 ↻ ) Men Hir (WP6 ↻ ) La Plate (WP7 ↻ ) Pierres Vertes (WP8 ↺ ) Chaussee de Sein (WP9 ↺ ) Jument Glenan (WP10 ↺ ) Les Birvideaux 1 (WP11 ↻ ) Belle Ile 1 (WP12 ↻ ) NW Rochebonne (WP13 ↻ )
WP virtuel Sud Rochebonne (WP14 ↻ ) Belle Ile 2 (WP15 ↺ ) Les Birvideaux 2 (WP16 ↺ ) Jaune Glenan (WP17 ↺ ) Le Dragon (WP18 ↻ ) Linuen Est 2 (WP19 ↻ ) Lue Vras (WP20 ↺ ) arrived Racing dnf abd htp hc

See the full list of races

Ranking type

Linuen Est 1 (WP1 ↻ ) Ile aux Moutons (WP2 ↻ ) Rouge Glenan (WP3 ↻ ) Basse Spineg (WP4 ↻ ) Cap Caval (WP5 ↻ ) Men Hir (WP6 ↻ ) La Plate (WP7 ↻ ) Pierres Vertes (WP8 ↺ ) Chaussee de Sein (WP9 ↺ ) Jument Glenan (WP10 ↺ ) Les Birvideaux 1 (WP11 ↻ ) Belle Ile 1 (WP12 ↻ ) NW Rochebonne (WP13 ↻ )
WP virtuel Sud Rochebonne (WP14 ↻ ) Belle Ile 2 (WP15 ↺ ) Les Birvideaux 2 (WP16 ↺ ) Jaune Glenan (WP17 ↺ ) Le Dragon (WP18 ↻ ) Linuen Est 2 (WP19 ↻ ) Lue Vras (WP20 ↺ ) arrived Racing dnf abd htp hc