Virtual Loup de Mer is hosted by Actilis
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Version = trunk VLM2_V28.1_
07/14/20 08:00:45 AM UTC

Home of the Virtual Loup-de-mer

What is Virtual Loup-De-Mer?

It's a web-based real-time Sailboat-routing simulation. It uses real weather data (data for wind strength and direction are updated every 6 hours - GMT 3h40, 9h40, 15h40 & 21h40). GRIB file is available here: GRIB files contains wind info in 3hour steps and 0.5° grid and is interpolated to be used in the game. Boat polar charts are similar to real boats, boat speed and direction are updated every 5 minutes (or less in some very short races). Races will be organised frequently.

In the navigation bar on the left, you will find links toward VLM documentation : Documentation and tools associated with VLM : Tools

As well as links toward the Forum (hosted by La Taverne) or the Chat

One Man, One Race, One Boat
Please observe the limit ONE BOAT PER RACE PER SKIPPER.

Display Race map

20240804 (MONO650) - Horta - Les Sables d'Olonne

  • Race starting in 8 days 12 hours 39 minutes. - Engaged : 4 (unlimited)
  • Start line opened on : 2024/08/04 14:00:06 GMT.
  • Start line closing on : 2024/08/05 02:00:00 GMT
  • Finish line closing condition : 150 %
  • WP(s) - 1270 nm - crank : 5 minutes - Spectator
  • Race Instructions on the forum
Display Race map

20231103 (FIGARO2) - Course des pertuis 2023/24 (RECORD)

  • Race opened since 266 days 7 hours 20 minutes. - Engaged : 83 (unlimited)
  • This is a permanent/record race.
  • Start line closing on : 2024/11/03 18:00:00 GMT
  • Finish line closing condition : 300 %
  • WP(s) - 98 nm - crank : 1 minutes - Spectator
  • Race Instructions on the forum
Display Race map

240101 (FIGARO2) - 3 Mers : Rijeka - Venise (RECORD)

  • Race opened since 207 days 8 hours 20 minutes. - Engaged : 91 (unlimited)
  • This is a permanent/record race.
  • Start line closing on : 2024/12/26 23:00:00 GMT
  • Finish line closing condition : 150 %
  • WP(s) - 82 nm - crank : 5 minutes - Spectator
  • Race Instructions on the forum
Display Race map

240102 (IMOCA2015) - 3 Mers : Cilegon - Denpasar (RECORD)

  • Race opened since 200 days 8 hours 20 minutes. - Engaged : 64 (unlimited)
  • This is a permanent/record race.
  • Start line closing on : 2024/12/26 23:00:00 GMT
  • Finish line closing condition : 150 %
  • WP(s) - 579 nm - crank : 5 minutes - Spectator
  • Race Instructions on the forum
Display Race map

240103 (OCEANFIFTY2023SOLO) - 3 Mers : Atuona - Puerto Ayora (RECORD)

  • Race opened since 193 days 8 hours 20 minutes. - Engaged : 66 (unlimited)
  • This is a permanent/record race.
  • Start line closing on : 2024/12/26 23:00:00 GMT
  • Finish line closing condition : 150 %
  • WP(s) - 2958 nm - crank : 5 minutes - Spectator
  • Race Instructions on the forum
Display Race map

20240121 (OCEANFIFTY2023EQUIPAGE) - Saint-John - Libreville - Mar del Plata (Playground)

  • Race opened since 187 days 7 hours 20 minutes. - Engaged : 95 (unlimited)
  • This is a permanent/record race.
  • The OMOROB rule is NOT applicable for this race !.
  • Start line closing on : 2025/12/31 23:59:06 GMT
  • Finish line closing condition : 101 %
  • WP(s) - 9101 nm - crank : 5 minutes - Spectator
  • Race Instructions on the forum
Display Race map

20244401 (FIGARO3) - Record SNSM - Figaro

  • Race opened since 116 days 19 hours 20 minutes. - Engaged : 53 (unlimited)
  • This is a permanent/record race.
  • Start line closing on : 2024/10/01 18:00:00 GMT
  • Finish line closing condition : 200 %
  • WP(s) - 297 nm - crank : 5 minutes - Spectator
  • Race Instructions on the forum
Display Race map

20244402 (IMOCA2008) - Record SNSM - Imoca 60

  • Race opened since 109 days 19 hours 20 minutes. - Engaged : 28 (unlimited)
  • This is a permanent/record race.
  • Start line closing on : 2024/10/01 18:00:00 GMT
  • Finish line closing condition : 200 %
  • WP(s) - 297 nm - crank : 5 minutes - Spectator
  • Race Instructions on the forum
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20244403 (OCEANFIFTY2023SOLO) - Record SNSM - Ocean Fifity

  • Race opened since 102 days 19 hours 20 minutes. - Engaged : 26 (unlimited)
  • This is a permanent/record race.
  • Start line closing on : 2024/10/01 18:00:00 GMT
  • Finish line closing condition : 200 %
  • WP(s) - 297 nm - crank : 5 minutes - Spectator
  • Race Instructions on the forum
Display Race map

20240625 (MOD70) - Te Lapa

  • Race opened since 31 days 13 hours 20 minutes. - Engaged : 32 (unlimited)
  • This is a permanent/record race.
  • Start line closing on : 2025/06/25 12:00:00 GMT
  • Finish line closing condition : 150 %
  • WP(s) - 3566 nm - crank : 5 minutes - Spectator
  • Race Instructions on the forum
Server time : 01:20:33 GMT
Last global data update ended 0hour 0 min 27sec ago.
0.10 seconds (11 race(s), 37 boat(s)), 374.31 boat/sec (status page)

There are 14015 registered players in the database. There are 34244 registered boats in the database.

Join Virtual Loup de Mer, it's free !
