Patrocinador Actilis
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Version = trunk VLM2_V28.1_
07/14/20 08:00:45 AM UTC

Regata : Golden Globe Race
Largada : 2018/07/01 11:00:06

Instruções de Regata

Ranking type

Canary Island (WP1 ⊅ ) Cape of Good Hope (WP2 ) Cape Leeuwin (WP3 ) Storm Bay (WP4 ) Snares Islands (WP5 ) WP6 (WP6 ) Cape Horn (WP7 ) arrived Racing dnf abd htp hc

Ver a lista completa de regatas

Ranking type

Canary Island (WP1 ⊅ ) Cape of Good Hope (WP2 ) Cape Leeuwin (WP3 ) Storm Bay (WP4 ) Snares Islands (WP5 ) WP6 (WP6 ) Cape Horn (WP7 ) arrived Racing dnf abd htp hc