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Version = trunk VLM2_V28.1_
07/14/20 08:00:45 AM UTC

Race : Solo Maitre CoQ
Started : 2022/04/19 09:00:06

Race Instructions

Ranking type

Ile de Re (WP1 ↻ ⊅ ) Bouee Pertuis d'Antioche (WP2 ) Pointe de Kerdonis (WP3 ) Phare des Birvideaux (WP4 ↺ ⊅ ) Phare de Goulphar (WP5 ) Mich'Bot (WP6 ) Bouee Pertuis d'Antioche (WP7 ) Ile de Re (WP8 ↻ ⊅ ) Arrived racing dnf abd htp hc

Boats Arrived

Pos. Skipper Start date (GMT) Arrival Time (GMT) Total time From first Loch Penalty
1 Flag_zz_Blason_Ile_de_France (#31451) Early Bird 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 10:50:42 2d, 1h,50m,36s. Winner 333.51 n/a
2 Flag_ZZ-gna (#3937) Mimich2 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 11:02:27 2d, 2h,2m,21s. 0d, 0h,11m,45s. (+0.39%) 333.30 n/a
3 Flag_LaRochelle (#28054) Mimile-2 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 11:04:26 2d, 2h,4m,20s. 0d, 0h,13m,44s. (+0.46%) 333.16 n/a
4 Flag_ZZ-L28 (#199) maroussia 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 11:08:10 2d, 2h,8m,4s. 0d, 0h,17m,28s. (+0.58%) 334.74 n/a
5 Flag_Ukraine (#3412) mistigri 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 11:17:53 2d, 2h,17m,47s. 0d, 0h,27m,11s. (+0.91%) 336.39 n/a
6 Flag_Andalucia (#34104) Tiberius4 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 11:19:19 2d, 2h,19m,13s. 0d, 0h,28m,37s. (+0.96%) 338.91 n/a
7 Flag_ZZ-SilverDolphin (#20337) silverdolphin 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 11:26:08 2d, 2h,26m,2s. 0d, 0h,35m,26s. (+1.18%) 334.69 n/a
8 Flag_LaRochelle (#28055) Fripouille-1 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 11:30:10 2d, 2h,30m,4s. 0d, 0h,39m,28s. (+1.32%) 336.17 n/a
9 Flag_ZZ-ACCRO (#32682) PO_de_Lesseps_7_ACCRO 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 11:37:32 2d, 2h,37m,26s. 0d, 0h,46m,50s. (+1.57%) 337.67 n/a
10 Flag_CharenteMaritime (#21567) mecanoplast 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 11:48:46 2d, 2h,48m,40s. 0d, 0h,58m,4s. (+1.94%) 335.14 n/a
11 Flag_Champagne (#32513) jm51 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 11:52:03 2d, 2h,51m,57s. 0d, 1h,1m,21s. (+2.05%) 336.84 n/a
12 Flag_Dauphine (#25061) cernille3 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 12:15:28 2d, 3h,15m,22s. 0d, 1h,24m,46s. (+2.83%) 338.27 n/a
13 Flag_Amiraute_bzh (#25242) lou2mer 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 12:16:21 2d, 3h,16m,15s. 0d, 1h,25m,39s. (+2.86%) 352.06 n/a
14 Flag_ZZ-Manatee (#24313) yaungrin 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 12:25:11 2d, 3h,25m,5s. 0d, 1h,34m,29s. (+3.16%) 339.90 n/a
15 Flag_ZZ_gna_bleu (#18160) Ouaip2 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 12:30:27 2d, 3h,30m,21s. 0d, 1h,39m,45s. (+3.34%) 338.56 n/a
16 Flag_Dauphine (#24107) alexflo38 001 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 12:41:09 2d, 3h,41m,3s. 0d, 1h,50m,27s. (+3.69%) 351.64 n/a
17 Flag_Normandie (#13079) didier502_03 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 12:50:54 2d, 3h,50m,48s. 0d, 2h,0m,12s. (+4.02%) 338.36 n/a
18 Flag_bourgogne (#32074) MathiasSandorf 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 13:24:53 2d, 4h,24m,47s. 0d, 2h,34m,11s. (+5.16%) 341.32 n/a
19 Flag_Provence (#30225) RORO3 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 15:03:39 2d, 6h,3m,33s. 0d, 4h,12m,57s. (+8.46%) 346.13 n/a
20 Flag_00-UN (#15884) guenille 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 15:47:55 2d, 6h,47m,49s. 0d, 4h,57m,13s. (+9.94%) 353.37 n/a
21 Flag_ZZ-gna (#4206) Doubl'Cat One 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 16:10:48 2d, 7h,10m,42s. 0d, 5h,20m,6s. (+10.70%) 347.53 n/a
22 Flag_00-UN (#32067) eliaud56 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 16:23:16 2d, 7h,23m,10s. 0d, 5h,32m,34s. (+11.12%) 327.04 n/a
23 Flag_ZZ-Breil (#3257) mig4 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 16:27:33 2d, 7h,27m,27s. 0d, 5h,36m,51s. (+11.26%) 365.31 n/a
24 Flag_Bretagne (#16003) BRIJEAN-4 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 16:34:29 2d, 7h,34m,23s. 0d, 5h,43m,47s. (+11.50%) 346.04 n/a
25 Flag_ZZ-L28 (#1890) oanig 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 17:21:34 2d, 8h,21m,28s. 0d, 6h,30m,52s. (+13.07%) 331.82 n/a
26 Flag_Dunkerque (#12372) capitaine9 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 17:32:56 2d, 8h,32m,50s. 0d, 6h,42m,14s. (+13.45%) 365.28 n/a
27 Flag_ZZ-ayc (#5672) Bowwow 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 18:21:33 2d, 9h,21m,27s. 0d, 7h,30m,51s. (+15.08%) 367.85 n/a
28 Flag_Scotland (#33846) Dudulle_IV 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 18:23:43 2d, 9h,23m,37s. 0d, 7h,33m,1s. (+15.15%) 369.75 n/a
29 Flag_Normandie (#8061) peter black 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 19:00:50 2d, 10h,0m,44s. 0d, 8h,10m,8s. (+16.39%) 373.25 n/a
30 Flag_ZZ-Penthievre (#28582) Liam_R 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 19:31:38 2d, 10h,31m,32s. 0d, 8h,40m,56s. (+17.42%) 378.28 n/a
31 Flag_Bretagne (#34041) pouldu 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 20:51:57 2d, 11h,51m,51s. 0d, 10h,1m,15s. (+20.10%) 373.56 n/a
32 Flag_Reunion (#802) CHINOIS 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/21 21:22:58 2d, 12h,22m,52s. 0d, 10h,32m,16s. (+21.14%) 345.39 n/a
33 Flag_French_South&Antartics_Lands (#32468) Amichatx 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/22 01:15:24 2d, 16h,15m,18s. 0d, 14h,24m,42s. (+28.91%) 345.80 n/a
34 Flag_Pirate (#4596) force 8 2022/04/19 09:00:06 2022/04/22 10:09:12 3d, 1h,9m,6s. 0d, 23h,18m,30s. (+46.76%) 384.43 n/a

See the full list of races

Ranking type

Ile de Re (WP1 ↻ ⊅ ) Bouee Pertuis d'Antioche (WP2 ) Pointe de Kerdonis (WP3 ) Phare des Birvideaux (WP4 ↺ ⊅ ) Phare de Goulphar (WP5 ) Mich'Bot (WP6 ) Bouee Pertuis d'Antioche (WP7 ) Ile de Re (WP8 ↻ ⊅ ) Arrived racing dnf abd htp hc