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Version = trunk VLM2_V28.1_
07/14/20 08:00:45 AM UTC

Race : Nassau Cup Ocean Race
Started : 2025/02/20 18:00:06

Race Instructions

Ranking type

Northeast Rock (WP1 ↻ ⊅ ) East Brother (WP2 ↻ ⊅ ) Great Stirrup (WP3 ↻ ⊅ ) arrived Racing dnf abd htp hc

Race : Nassau Cup Ocean Race
This race has not started yet
Start date : 2025/02/20 18:00:06 GMT

Number of player

Skipper Boat
Flag_Dunkerque (#12372) capitaine9 capitaine9
Flag_France (#32810) Selnoir Selnoir
Flag_Lyon (#29898) benco benco
Flag_Quebec (#16932) discovery1 discovery1
Flag_Switzerland (#28438) captainperko captainperko
Flag_Thailand (#28431) SELDON56 SELDON56
Flag_Ukraine (#14394) Bingo35 IVG Le vague à bond
Flag_ZZ-Breil (#258) mig1 mig1
Flag_ZZ-L28 (#4293) jiblechien jib le chien
Flag_bourgogne (#25863) Pencroft Onésime Pervenchère

Total : 10 inscrits.

See the full list of races

Ranking type

Northeast Rock (WP1 ↻ ⊅ ) East Brother (WP2 ↻ ⊅ ) Great Stirrup (WP3 ↻ ⊅ ) arrived Racing dnf abd htp hc